2023 - Latin American Business Council Meeting
The vision of the Latin American Business Council is to promote accessibility for all the established Latino Businesses in our region, of all the available economic and public policy opportunities that could foster, improve and boost our community. It also seeks to potentiate our growing Latino middle class in the Cape Fear Region, as well as, to empower future generations of Latino businesses and professionals. Our main goal is to advocate, with a multilingual platform for our community, EQUAL access to all the resources that will allow our economical GROWTH and SUCCESS, just as the rest of society in this region. We want to lead the consolidation of an international coalition, to bring exposure to our proud and growing community, with all its strengths and cultural diversity.
La visión del Latin American Business Council es la de promover el acceso de los Negocios Latinos ya establecidos y consolidados de la región, a todas las oportunidades en el ámbito económico y de políticas públicas que puedan fomentar, mejorar y promover a nuestra comunidad, potenciando el crecimiento de la clase media latina de la región de Cape Fear. Nuestro objetivo principal es abogar por el acceso IGUALITARIO a todos los recursos para el CRECIMIENTO y EXITO económico, con una plataforma multilingüe para nuestra comunidad, que le permita estar al mismo nivel que el resto de la sociedad. Queremos liderar la consolidación de una coalición internacional, para traer exposición a nuestra orgullosa y creciente comunidad, con toda su fortaleza y diversidad cultural.
This program will be presented in English.
Open to the public. ALL chamber members AND nonmembers are invited to attend this meeting.
The Wilmington Chamber's Latin American Business Council theme in 2023 is Moving Your Business Forward with Education towards Growth. Our first meeting of 2023 will be focused on realizing the purchasing power of our Latinx community.This month, we will hear from Chris Montero, co-founder of Perfect Touch Rental to talk about Scaling for Success - growing into an SBA-funded company with 503% growth from year one to two.
Event Sponsors
Investor Sponsor
2023 - Latin American Business Counci...Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 8, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM ESTContact Information
Laura Primavera 910-762-2611 ext 200
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